Wordle Solver is an ingenious tool that unlocks Wordles secrets with lightning speed and unparalleled accuracy. With its cutting-edge algorithm, you can decipher the most perplexing Wordle challenges in mere moments. Prepare to amaze your friends and dominate the game like never before with our Wordle Finder as your ultimate companion in word-solving brilliance.

What is the Wordle Helper?

Wordle Solver is an online tool that helps you find the correct 5 letter words in the Wordle game. The tool has a very intuitive interface and functionality that allows players to easily find Wordle, even trickier ones, too.

For instance, in our Wordle Helper, you get three boxes with different colors, like in the official game. 

Green Shows Correct/Placed Letters.

Yellow Indicates Wrong/Invalid Placement.

Gray Represents Unused/Bad Letters.

Not only that, but you can also choose the word length from the available options, like five-letter words or seven letter words. Wordle tool utilizes utilizes advanced algorithms, enabling it to find the correct puzzle guess in the required turns, so you don’t have to miss today’s Wordle answer.

How to Use Wordle Answer Finder?

Sometimes, new players need help understanding how to utilize an online tool. This is due to a complicated interface, etc. That’s different in our Wordle Helper. With just a few clicks, you can get the right Wordle instantly.

Here are the steps that can help you use our Wordle Answer Finder.


To find the right word, just enter the guesses that you’ve made so far in the correct positions in the corresponding space. The correct letters will go to the green area with the “Placed Letters” text on it.


Next, you have to enter those letters that aren’t placed in the right position in the “Valid Letters” field.


Then, come to the next field, where you have to input those letters that aren’t part of the word. It’s a field with a gray color. You can add 20+ letters, and this tool will create words that exclude them.


In the end, hit the “Search” button to generate a complete list of all valid Wordle words that match your letters.

Another important point to mention is that our tool lists the output in a clear, color-coded style. You might see letters in Green, Yellow, and Black color in the words of the result page, according to your input. As an example:

  • Green letters in word indicate placed letters, i.e., EMOJI.
  • Yellow indicates as valid letters, i.e., AGILE.
  • Black letters are used by the tool to generate the word. i.e., SHAKE.

Benefits of Utilizing Wordle Tool

Before using an online tool, users think about whether it is beneficial to use or just a waste of time. So, to make this easier for you, here are some benefits that you can get using our Wordle Word Finder.

Advanced Filtering Options

Compared to the rivals, our tool provides accessibility to users, where they can filter the search and find the exact five-letter word for their Wordle. For instance, in our Wordle Finder, you get the following options:

  • Word Length: You can use this feature when you want to find Wordle of specific letters. It ranges from 3 letters and goes to 10 letters.
  • Placed Letters: In this field, you can input the correct letters. Make sure to enter the letters on certain tiles. The correct alphabet, for example, A is on the 4th tile in the Wordle, so paste it into the same tile in the Wordle Tool.
  • Valid Letters: This option lets you input those yellow letters in the game.
  • Strict Search: If you have put the yellow letters in the exact place as they are in the Wordle, then don’t forget to enable this “Strict Search” feature. This is a very unique feature that will assist you in providing the most accurate and relevant words by narrowing down the searches.
  • Bad Letters: As the name defines, here you enter those letters that aren’t used in the correct word. You can type up to 25 letters to exclude.

These advanced options allow you to filter the search and only get the right word.

Find the Wordle Answer in the Fewest Turns

In the NYT Wordle game, you only get 6 turns to find the correct word. If you fail to do so, you won’t be able to play the game on the same day. So, if you want to win the Wordle in very few turns, you can also post it on the X (formerly Twitter), then the Wordle tool can benefit you.

You don’t have to sign up or register, and we don’t ask for any information. You can head to our Wordle tool online and use it without a hitch.

But you have to use it properly. For instance, try to form the first two words independently, or you can go with “ROATE” and “JUNKS.” There’s a possibility you will get valid letters or correct ones from them. After that, you can come to our Tool and input the letters in the tiles.

It will provide you with very close or exact words that can solve your today’s Wordle. Moreover, it can also prove useful when playing similar wordle games such as Quordle or Spelling Bee.

Best Wordle Starting Words: Examples

While the provided list is a great starting point, there are other strategies to consider for picking your ideal first word from the table below:

Normal Mode Hard Mode Strategy
ROATE DEALT Unique Letters
STARE PINCH Common Letters
PAUSE WHOSE Less common, but strategic vowel placement


Remember, the “best” word can depend on your playstyle. Experiment and find what works for you!

Wordle Statistics

Here’s the table of alphabets that are frequently used in certain positions. Checking them out can help you find the right Wordle a lot.

1st Position 2nd Position 3rd Position 4th Position 5th Position
S (15.4%) A (14.2%) A (14.3%) E (11.8%) E (14.9%)
C (11.3%) O (10.5%) I (10.2%) N (10.0%) Y (9.3%)
B (8.5%) R (9.5%) O (9.4%) S (8.2%) T (8.6%)
T (7.8%) E (7.9%) E (7.4%) A (7.3%) R (7.9%)
P (6.6%) I (6.7%) U (6.8%) L (6.5%) L (6.6%)

Most Common Letters Used in Wordle

Moreover, here’s the table of frequently used letters in the Wordle.








































The least common letters in Wordle

Alternatively, here are the letters that are least used in the Wordle game.








































Frequently Asked Questions:

Here are some frequently asked questions related to Wordle Finder.

  1. How to solve Wordle?

    Starting with a word that contains almost all vowels is the right way to solve the Wordle. The word “ROATE” is the most effective move you can make in the Wordle. It is also possible to complete the Wordle puzzle in a few tries by using the Wordle tool online. Input the letters and the tool will show you the exact word.

  2. Can I use Wordle Finder on any device?

    Yes, you can access and use our FREE Wordle Answer Finder on any device you have. Whether you have a mobile phone, a tablet, or a desktop, our tool works fine on all of them.

  3. Is Wordle Solver free and unlimited to use?

    Yes, it’s available for free without any usage limitations or restrictions. You can simply head over to the Word Finder Tool and start using it without even having to sign up or register.

  4. Can I find a 7-letter Wordle using this tool?

    If you’re playing a specific wordle game in which you have to discover a 7-letter word, then don’t worry. Our Wordle tool got you back. To find a 7 letter Wordle, all you have to do is adjust the word length to 7, and you are good to go. Then, you can input the required letters, and it will instantly form the right word for you.