You never know when you’ll need to unscramble words. It might be for a game like Scrabble, where you’re stuck with too many tricky letters like J and W. Or maybe you’re creating a secure password from a simple word. Whatever the case, you should be aware of this very simple yet powerful trick.

For that, this blog post will show you how to easily unscramble words or phrases, covering the following topics:

  • What is unscrambling?
  • How to unscramble words?
  • Tips to follow in scrambling a word
  • What to avoid while unscrambling words?

So, be sure to read all the way to the end!

Understanding Word Scrambles

Before you start unscrambling words, it is important to understand what they are and their meaning. So, let’s dive into it.

What is Scrambled Word?

A word whose letters are shuffled in a way that makes it complicated to discover the valid word is called the scrambled word. Such words are very popular and commonly used in word puzzles where players have to form valid words from the given scramble letters.

A very common example of the scrambled word is “ELPAP,” and when you descramble (unscramble) it, you get the word “APPLE.” Such words are also very great for enhancing kids’ thinking abilities and sharpening their brains.

The type of scrambled words varies as sometimes you might have scrambled letters and have to form words from them. On the other hand, you may have a proper word (like STATE) and have to discover a new word from it (like TASTE).

How to Unscramble Words – A Comprehensive Guide

As you are here to find out how to unscramble words, let’s make sure you do not wait for it. 

Unscrambling can be done in two methods:

  1. Manual: Giving an essence. In manual unscrambling, you have to form words on your own without getting help.
  2. Automatic: In this way, you can use an online solver that will unscramble the word and provide you with multiple valid words.

Let’s get into the depth of each of these methods.

Manual Unscrambling Words

As the name defines, manual scrambling is all about brainstorming and discovering playable words on your own. You have to understand the letters and have to think very deeply to find which words you can get from them. 

Yep! That could be complicated and frustrating to do, but with the steps below, you can easily find words from the scrambled letters.

Start with Short Words

Creating short words, such as 2 letter words or 3 letter words, from the scrambled letters is quite easy. However, at the same time, forming a long word isn’t that simple. So, instead of focusing on longer words, start with shorter words. They can also lead to big words simultaneously.

Let’s make this easy to understand with an example. If you have a “CSERA” scrambled word, then here are the short words you can form from it, which can further lead to the long word. You can form words like:

  • ARE
  • CAR
  • ACE
  • ERA
  • CASE
  • SCAR
  • SEAR
  • CARE

If you notice the word “CAR,” you will see that just adding the letter “S” at the start could make it “SCAR,” and that’s a 4 letter word. Similarly, just adding the letter “E” after the “SCAR” could make it “SCARE,” and it includes all the scrambled letters.

Look for Common Letters

The second yet foremost step that you mustn’t avoid is to look for common letter combinations. That’s true; they can help solve the word puzzle and unscramble words more quickly. But before that, you should know about what are common letters.

What are common letters?

Common letters are those that are frequently used in the English vocabulary. Letters like vowels A, E, I, O, and U are the ones that are being used approximately 19% in the English dictionary. Not only that, more than half of the Entire English language words use each of these letters. 

Therefore, it is imperative that you learn how to benefit yourself from such letters. Not only that, if you are playing games like Scrabble, Words with Friends, or Wordle, you will get such letters and have to form high-scoring words using them.

So, better get your hands on common letters before moving toward other intricate letters such as J, Q, X, and Z.

For better representation of what are commonly used letters in the word games that you may encounter while unscrambling them are the following:















































































Hope the above table representation will help you understand why you can’t avoid common letters while unscrambling a word.

Shuffle the Scramble Words

This trick helps me a lot of times whenever I try to unscramble a word and get stuck at some point. By shuffling letters in different order, your brain gets new ideas to form valid words. For instance, if you have scrambled letters like “RTSAE” and are unable to find words from them, then all you need to do is shuffle them.

When you do that, you may get them in the format “SETRA,” and with just a little brainstorming, you will get “TEAR” from it. Moreover, just adding the letter ‘S’ at the end of “TEAR” could make it “TEARS.” Similarly, if you reshuffle them, you might get words like “STARE” and “STEAR” and TARSE.” 

So, whenever you are feeling stuck or hopeless in unscrambling a word, try to shuffle them and see what comes out. Also, in word games like Scrabble and Word Cookies, you can do the shuffling as many times as you want.

Experiment with Prefixes and Suffixes

Word players find it difficult to experiment with prefixes and suffixes, especially when they play with scrambled letters. However, by carefully examining the available letters, players may discover familiar prefixes and suffixes within them. 

These smaller building blocks can quickly help form new words, giving players more options and increasing their chances of scoring higher in the game.

  • A prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. For instance, ‘un,’ ‘im,’ and ‘re’ are some frequently used prefixes in English words that form words like “Undoing,” “Impossible,” and “Rewrite.”
  • A suffix is a group of letters added to the end of a word to modify its meaning or change its part of speech. A commonly used suffix is ‘ing’ that comes after the word, such as “Running” and “Calling.”

By adding these to root words, you can quickly create new words, helping you expand your options and score higher in word games.

That’s how you can manually unscramble words easily and find high-scoring words for Scrabble and Words With Friends.

Unscrambling Via Tool

If you find the above process complicated or get stuck at some point, then don’t worry. 

Since there are many online tools that have been developed that can unscramble any type of scramble word, it can be done in seconds. Online tool like our utilizes powerful and sophisticated algorithms that quickly understand the scrambled letters, reshuffle them, form valid words, and then confirm through the official English or Scrabble dictionary and display them.

Unscrambling Via Tool

Let’s talk about how you can use word unscrambler tool with ease and unscramble a word.

Usage of

Tool Image

  • When you navigate to the tool, there you will find a box where you need to enter the scrambled letters. Let’s say you have the word “TLOCAECOH” and want to descramble it. Enter it in the “Enter Your Letters” field.
    • After that, you can either click on the “Search” button or use the “Advanced” options if you want to get the exact outcome. In the advanced option, you get the following options:
      • Start with: If you want to get a word that starts with a certain letter, you enter it in this field.
      • Ends with: Alternatively, if you want a word that ends with a specific letter or set of letters, you type them in the “Ends with” field.
      • Contains: If there’s a word that includes any particular letter in it, you simply input it using this option.
      • Length: Lastly, we have this length feature from where you can choose the length of the word you want to get.
    • After that, you can simply choose the dictionary, Scrabble US, Scrabble UK, or Words With Friends, and the tool will only provide words according to the selected dictionary.

Tool Options


    • In the end, just click on the “Search” button, and that’s it. Our word unscrambler will provide the list of words that it can generate from the input letters.

Word Unscrambling

With that, you won’t have to brainstorm and put effort into finding words from the shuffled letters on your own.

Benefits of Using

Here are some benefits that you will get using this tool.

  • With its sophisticated algorithms, you won’t have to wait too long to get an extensive list of words. This will save you time and solve the puzzle more quickly.
  • Using word unscrambler tool by is great for those who want to improve their linguistic skills and learn new words.
  • It can help you get high scores in games like Scrabble, Words With Friends, and Word Chums in case you are low on points and your opponent is winning.
  • With its simple and straightforward interface, anyone can easily use it without getting tangled at any point.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Unscrambling Words

As I’m about to end this blog post, I’d like to mention some common mistakes that players usually make while playing word games or unscrambling words. Thus, I’ve explained those mistakes below so you can avoid them.

Ignoring Unused Letters:

One common mistake is to fail to identify other unnecessary letters that could also form other words in the middle and at the end of the unscrambled word. Players tend to become quite obsessed with those letters they have matched earlier, thus neglecting the other possibilities. 

This can lead to the exclusion of proper words, particularly short, or those that may entail using the remaining letters in a bit of black and white.

For example, if “STRALE” is the jumbled word that you are desperate to unscramble, you can try making words such as “STARE” and “RATES” while you leave out the extra letter ‘L.’ But that way, you are making a mistake since there are more words you can make by including that remaining letter, such as “ALERT,” “LASER,” and “STEAL.”

Tip: Always recheck your letters after forming a word to see if any unused letters can be added to create new words. This will expand your options and help you score higher in word games.

Neglecting Game-Specific Rules:

Each word game, whether it’s Scrabble, Words with Friends, Wordle, or Boggle, has its own kind of rules regarding valid words and their playability, acceptable abbreviations, or even letter placements. 

It is imperative to learn about these rules and not avoid them as they will form invalid words that won’t count in the game, but they might be real words, or you have heard about them. 

As an example, in Scrabble, abbreviations (like “TV,” “ATM,” or “POV”) aren’t playable, even though they’re commonly used in everyday language. Similarly, on the other hand, in Words with Friends, the official word list may differ from the Scrabble game, meaning certain words might be valid in one game but not the other.

Not Focusing on Plural or Verb Forms:

Did you know some popular word puzzles such as Scrabble, Word Chums, Word Cookies, and Word Jumble allow players to extend their words? Yes, that’s true! Many word games allow you to extend a root word by adding an “S” to make a plural (e.g., catcats) or using common verb forms (prefix or suffix) like “ING,” “ED,” or “ES” to create longer valid words.

For instance, if you have the word “run,” you might overlook the possibility of forming “runs,” “running,” or “runner.” Similarly, if you have “play”, you might miss “played” or “playing.


Thus, unscrambling words is useful for different word games and puzzles or even for establishing a strong anonymous password. This can be done manually by following basic strategies like starting with a list of short words and consequently trying out combinations of letters, systems of prefixes, and suffixes while also utilizing computer programs designed for specific unscrambling purposes. Remember some pitfalls: It is easy to miss those letters on the rim or forget about the specialized rules of the game. Given that you use the right strategies and practice, it is possible to unscramble words, improve ward knowledge, and score higher in games such as Scrabble and Words with Friends, among others. Try, try, and try again, and soon you will master the art of unscrambling words.